How to Create Spaces of Belonging?
work by DTAFA (Danube Transformation Agency for Agency)
drawing (series)
commissioned by: Werner Fenz Collection/ steirischer herbst
part of: Collection Werner Fenz

Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited, exhibition view, steirischer herbst ’24, Forum Stadtpark, photo: steirischer herbst /
“Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited” at Forum Stadtpark in Graz, Austria
Part of steirischer herbst 2024, the Werner Fenz Grant for Art in Public Space
The exhibition takes place on the occasion of the start of the Werner Fenz Collection at steirischer herbst, an initiative to acquire and archive drawings, sketches, and other preparatory materials by selected applicants for the Werner Fenz Grant for Art in Public Space.
DTAFA: How to Create Spaces of Belonging?
Graz’s Augartenbucht is an artificial bay that was quickly constructed and opened in 2020. The Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA) proposes to conduct field research there and select several species that inhabit the area. Inspired by Guerrilla Girls’s Complaint Department (2016), DTAFA develops different methods, protocols, and tool kits to collect complaints from nonhuman beings.
The project consists in curating a selection of text-based complaints to be presented in a performative and graphic way and in close interaction with visitors of the site. People have the chance to read them and vote for one they can personally relate to. The interactive and performative project engages the public in new possibilities of cohabiting with other species.
Text: steirischer herbst