October 2024
new studio

In October I will move into my new studio – many thanks to the BMKÖS for the great support!

Open Studio Day:

Studio Wattgasse
Wattgasse 56-60
3rd floor
Studio 19

September 2024
steirischer herbst

Our collective DTAFA is exhibiting at steirischer herbst this year!
Our work, which is part of the Werner Fenz Collection, can be seen at the Forum Stadtpark until October 13.

Kunst Heimat Kunst Revisited (2024), exhibition view, Forum Stadtpark, photo: steirischer herbst / Henrik Bergstedt
August 2024

The latest work by me and my collective DTAFA, How to Become an Island – THE BOOTCAMP (exhibited at Forum Stadtpark, Graz), is up for the Ö1 Talentstipendium special prize “Solidarity”!
Voting ends on September 6th. We are very happy about your support!

Thank you for your support!

installation view (c) Silvia Hödl
August 2024
DTAFA: Artist Talk

I am super happy to be presenting our collective DTAFA together with Alexandra Fruhstorfer at fundaziun nairs.
Thanks to the Austrian Cultural Forum Bern for the support.

July 2024

On 18 July, 6:15, Radio Klassik Stephansdom will report on my upcoming artist residency at the Fundaziun Nairs and the artist talk with Alexandra Fruhstorfer. Thank you Christiane Zaunmair and Austrian Cultural Forum Bern for the support and the interview!

HERE you can listen to the programme afterwards.

May 2024

On 30 May, I performed together with Steffi Baron-Neuhuber as Kollektiv OutSight at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Cairo. Thank you very much for the invitation!

Photos: Khaled Kamel

May 2024

Our collective DTAFA is very pleased about Michaela Reichart’s article on our exhibition in the Forum Stadtpark. Thank you!

May 2024
Newspaper Article

Thank you Susanne Rakowitz for the article about my experience as an artist in residence in Kleine Zeitung.

May 2024
University: DTAFA Workshop

Together with my DTAFA colleague Solmaz Farhang I will be part of the course THE STRUGGLE IS REAL! on May 3rd.

Course by Alexandra Fruhstorfer, JKU

April 2024

I am looking forward to being part of this year’s Art Machine with my “Suomenlinna Souvenirs”.

March 2024

Welcome to the Open Studio Day at HIAP Suomenlinna!

We artists in residence open our studio doors and share our current works in progress with you.

23.3., 2-8pm
HIAP Suomenlinna

Here more Information

January – April 2024
Artist Residency at HIAP Suomenlinna

From January on I will spend three months at the wonderful, magical island Suomenlinna (which is part of Helsinki) at the artist residency HIAP. The residency is supported by BMKÖS.

Thank you for selecting me and the incredible support!

February 2024
Exhibition with DTAFA

Our collective DTAFA shows the new version

Artistic positions on endangered biodiversity and the coexistence of species
01.02. – 03.03.2024
National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Participating artists:
Darko Aleksovski – Lamija Čehajić – Danube Transformation Agency for Agency – Anita Fuchs – Teuta Gatolin – Ernst Koslitsch – Polonca Lovšin – Ralo Mayer – Edith Payer – Irena Lagator Pejović – Nada Prlja – Lala Raščić – Oliver Ressler – Ivan Šuković -Adrienn Újházi / Nemanja Milenković – Anna Vasof – Driant Zeneli – Dardan Zhegrova

curated by Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer

c. VTF studio


December 2023

The magazine Kurier reported on the handling of Teresa Feodorowna Ries’ works and the TFR archive.


Screenshot Kurier online
December 2023

The Province of Styria’s cultural awards were presented on Monday.

I am incredibly pleased about the Art Acquisition Prize and congratulate all the winners!

Article on the award ceremony in the Kleine Zeitung.

December 2023

Celebrate with me the Aquisition Award of the Province of Styria – on December 14th at the Neue Galerie Graz!

I am incredibly happy and will show the new season of IN THE GLASSHOUSE- only one can be planted!

Exhibition: Award of the Province of Styria
Neue Galerie Graz
Opening: 14.12., 19:00
Duration: 15.12.-21.04.2024

Curation: Magda Radu
with: Maruša Sagadin, studio ASYNCHROME, Julius Pristauz, Patrick Winkler, Juliana Lindenhofer, Julia Gaisbacher, Lena Violetta Leitner

c.: Universalmuseum Joanneum/ Neue Galerie Graz
November 2023

After an inspiring year in the mentoring program of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, I finally hold the publication in my hands!

I would like to thank Julia Katharina Thiemann for the wonderful text, Nanna Heidenreich for the great mentoring and Barbara Pflanzner for the mentoring program!


In her artistic practice, Lena Violetta Leitner addresses the socio-political conditions of our human coexistence based on how we deal with and think about plants, animals and the nature that surrounds us. Varying levels of individual, personal behavior, feedback, for example with individual, concrete plants, as well as developments in society as a whole are linked together in her artistic works in a subtle way, thus reflecting the interdependencies of our complex reality of life in the post-Antropocene in a critical and humorous way.

With her mostly participation-oriented and collectively created art, Lena Violetta Leitner explores cross-species border crossings in an aesthetic way and questions our human social coexistence and our self-image in the structure of our environment.
structure of our environment. Lena Violetta Leitner’s ironic exaggerations always harbor an explosive core of future-oriented fiction that could rethink and reshape our world.

Julia Katharina Thiemann

November 2023

I am super happy that Lily Hassioti invited me during her artist residency in Graz (St.A.i.R) to join her for another collaboration!

We are inviting you now to Calibrating…, by Lily Hassioti and Lena Violetta Leitner.

Embark on a 45 minute long journey along the river Mur with The Calibrator, for a ritual of speculative mapping and collective calibration. A work from the series: Exercises for thinking with the river.

When: 25.11., 3:30-5 pm
Where: Die Flösserei – Stadtstrand Graz, beim Puchsteig

In case of rain, the performance will hapen on the 26th.

Please register under: l.hassioti@gmail.com

Kindly supported by: Die Flösserei, Land Steiermark, Atelier Schillerstraße

image by Lily Hassioti
November 2023

On November 11th and 12th between 1 and 6 pm the doors to my studio will open! Visit me to get an insight into my creative process.

I am so happy that together with Alexandra Tatar, we will present our brandnew work.

The project “Becoming…” is supported by:
BMKÖS, Stadt Wien Kultur (MA7)

October 2023

I am still super excited an honoured to have been selected for an acquisition prize by the Province of Styria this year!

Huge thanks to the Province of Styria and the jury, curator Magda Radu!

October 2023

Together with my DTAFA colleague Ege Kökel we will present DTAFA at the Austrian Kulturforum in Warsaw. The talk is part of the festival “Warsaw Under Construction”.

SAT, 14.10.2023

Austriackie Forum Kultury

October 2023

I am very happy about the invitation to “open floor” at WUK! I’ll be showing a new work with my collective DTAFA.

opening: 5.10., 18-22h
duration: 6.-25.10.2023
Kunsthalle Exnergasse, WUK
Projektraum, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Vienna (AT)

curation: Natalia Gurova, Rafael Lippuner, and adO/Aptive (Janina Weißengruber, Daniel Hüttler)

with works by:
Danube Transformation Agency for Agency
Office Ukraine
Tratado Material

October 2023

Please join Alexandra Fruhstorfer and me to Lobau Listening Comprehensions – where we will present the work of our collective DTAFA next to other amazing people.

organisation: Julia Grillmayr, Christina Gruber, Sophia Rut Lobau Listening Comprehensions
other artists:
Wiltrud Hackl, Fabian Holzinger, Aaron Kimmig, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Carmina Tarilonte Rodriguez

3pm, Kleine Stadtfarm
Naufahrtweg 14a, 1220 Vienna (AT)

June 2023
EXHIBITION – Angewandte Festival

Super excited to be showing our collective’s (DTAFA) work “woodiana.today” at the Angewandte Festival!

27.6.- 30.6.

June 2023

The IZMP introduces itself!

In the framework of subnetTALK 2023 I present the Integration Center for Migrated Plants.

Thank you for the invitation!

April 2023

Q21 Schauraum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna

Opening: 13.4., 19h
Duration: 13.4.-18.5.

Join our collective DTAFA for the opening of our new solo exhibition. Our work is based on “How to become an Island?” at Novi Sad, European Capital of Culture 2022.

What would it mean to provide our bodies to the survival and needs of another species?

Hovering between distant curiosity and radical affection the Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA) opened their bodies and hearts to a small Danubian bird species: the Little Ringed Plover.

For decades the Danubian river banks were shaped for the needs of humans alone. The loss of habitats made the birds’ population decline. By proposing to provide your body parts as breeding ground to the bird, DTAFA asks which role the individual could take in an age of man-made ecological change.

“We become with each other or not at all”
(Donna Haraway)

Thank you for the support: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (Digitale Kunst), Bezirk Neubau

Can you spot the eggs on the stereogram picture? 

April 2023

19.4. 5pm:

Let’s meet for a talk and a “Pfiff” (very small amount) of Beer!

Together with Julia Gaisbacher and Katl Wratschko I will talk about the ongoing exhibition at Neue Galerie Graz.

photo: Neue Galerie Graz
February 2023

Anka Leśniak not only curated the great exhibition “Lost Element. Re-construction of the Witch” last year at VBKÖ, but now also wrote this great article about the exhibition. I am very happy to be part of the exhibition and the TFR archive with the work “TREMATE”!

“The Exhibition Lost Element / Re-Construction Of The Witch. Curatorial Reflections”, Anka Leśniak, in: Art and Documentation no.26

Read online HERE.

The work by Lena Violetta Leitner refers to ecological issues, but it’s also somehow “uncanny.” In her way of connecting the natural elements (plant, soil, water) and technology (steam, clay), one can also see a subtle sense of humour. The second part of the work – the plant – “spoke” to us in Morse code. The plant was shaking from time to time unnaturally and in its subsequent movements (longer or shorter) the message “I will survive” was encoded. These two messages – projected on the steam and encrypted in Morse code, could be interpreted in the context of the need to return to so-called female values, such as care, and respect for the environment and other entities, but also with the belief that witches (wise women) can overturn the harmful patriarchal order. Additionally, the plant chosen by the artist was a fern, which is one of the oldest plants on Earth. 

Anka Leśniak

Februrary 2023

During the last months I had an inspiring time, chatting with Fabiola Fiocco and Giulia Pistone from the onlinemagazine Interstizi about art, collectives, plants and our perceptions of nature.

If you understand Italian, do not hesitate and check out our chat HERE.

Screenshot: Interstizi


November 2022

Cordial invitation to the “Art space Styria 2022” exhibition!

Neue Galerie Graz
Opening: 01.12., 7pm

October 2022

Sonja Harter wrote a wonderful portrait on Artfaces Steiermark about my work- thank you very much!

Die mit den Pflanzen spricht

Trifft man Lena Violetta Leitner ausnahmsweise alleine an, verweisen sogleich die Kunstwerke und Installationen um sie herum auf das, was sie als Künstlerin ausmacht. „Zusammenarbeit zieht sich als roter Faden durch meine Arbeit“, lacht die 1986 in Graz geborene und mittlerweile in Wien lebende Künstlerin.

Sonja Harter

October 2022
START Grant Media Art

I am so grateful that I will be able to research and experiment about and with invasive plants for the next months!

A huge thanks to the jury of Federal Chancellery of Austria for awarding me with “Startstipendium” Media Art!

Foto: Janine Schranz, Ausstellung DELPHI 2.0, Mz* Baltazars Lab
October 2022

In the context of my solo exhibition “DELPHI 2.0 (phyto-pythia)” I invite you to a TEA TALK with Valerie Habsburg and Ege Kökel !

Together we will discuss strategies of sharing and exchanging as well as how we deal with fears. Taste “Curious Cookies” while looking into the past with Valerie Habsburg, and practice speculative future exploration with Ege Kökel. Get ready to choose a specially prepared tea for your future and read from the tea leaves together with us!

Especially the here and now is potentially characterized by great uncertainties as well as life-changing crises, so it is essential for the artist not to let ourselves be guided by associated fears and uncertainties, but to work against them with the power of the collective. With a feminist attitude and in the spirit of solidarity, Leitner wants to create space for exchange, interactivity and discourse. Thus, she invites her colleagues Valerie Habsburg and Ege Kökel to a conversation within the framework of the exhibition, followed by a “Tea Talk” and venturing a look into the future.

Paula Marschalek, curator, art historian

September 2022

Wow! Our collective DTAFA (Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel, Andrea Palašti and me) are double award winners!

Cannot wait for our new adventures next year!

credit: Ö1
September 2022
Artist Talk

I am honored that I will be talking about my work next to two amazing artists – Mary Maggic and Katrin Hornek!

Sympoietic Symphony, Klangmanifeste
Curated by Christine Schörkhuber

04.09. 3 – 4 pm

July 2022

If you understand Serbian, please check out our interview with Oblakoder Magazine! Our collective DTAFA talked about the project in Novi Sad in the frame of the European Capital of Culture 22.

June 2022



The experimental workshop – WÜST MI PFLANZ’N? opens its doors on 25. and 26.6. and encourages to discover, exchange hearing, feeling and seeing!

The main protagonists are negatively connoted invasive alien plants that grow around Bad Ischl. Invasive alien plants are plants that have been introduced in/directly by humans into other areas since 1492 and have become established in nature. Because they can displace “native” species, they have negative connotations.

The workshop invites the entire month of June to enter, opening its doors to visitors* and engaging their experiences immediately or in a longer process of experimentation. A place for collective creation, discovery and observation emerges.

On June 25 and 26, the workshop will become a place of exchange and the works and impressions collected and processed in June can be viewed, felt, heard and seen. New impressions will be incorporated in the moment and in the course of the performances on the 25th at 2, 4 and 6 pm.

Danke für die Unterstützung: Land Steiermark, Otto Mauer Fonds, auf! auf!

June 2022

You can now find my work TREMATE which was shown this year with the TFR_Archive at VBKÖ in the new publication COAPPARATION I, II, II.

June 2022
Artist Residency

YAY! Bad Ischl we are coming!

I am super excited to be able to install our experimental plant lab at the amazing building of Lehartheatre in the frame of the artist residency auf! auf!

A huge thanks to auf! auf!, Otto Mauer Fonds and Land Steiermark für the subvention!

April 2022
Where is the river? – RESIDENCY PRESENTATION

Presentation of my Artist Residency – part of the outreach studio program of Land Steiermark, Culture Department – at State of Concept Athens – 28.04., 18h30 – 20h30.

credit - Hassioti, Leitner
April 2022
Radiokolleg Ö1

Our collective DTAFA (Danube Transformation Agency for Agency) ist part of “Radiokolleg – Reparatur der Zukunft” of the Austrian Radio Ö1. You can hear it here until April 12th.

credit Ö1
March 2022

My DTAFA colleagues Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel and Andrea Palašti will present our ongoing artistic research at Art & Science, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 24.03.

March 2022

I am over the moon and back! This March and April I will be spending in Athens as an artist in residence at the gallery State of Concept. A big thank you to Land Steiermark for awarding me with this amazing grant!

March 2022
Ö1 Reparatur der Zukunft

Hier findet ihr ein kurzes Portrait der Danube Transformation Agency for Agency auf der “Reparatur der Zukunft”-Seite von Ö1.

December 2021

opening: 13.01.2022, 17.00-21.00

Anna Bochkova, Valerie Habsburg, Lena Violetta Leitner, Anka Leśniak
Curation: Anka Leśniak

December 2021

opening: 13.12. 17h
exhibition: 13.12. – 29.01.2022

AA Collections

Curation: David Hassbach & Georgij Melnikov

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-17 um 14.32.42
c. AA Collections
October 2021
SOLO SHOW in Novi Sad

Our aliens land in the gallery SULUV in Novi Sad. Until 05.11. the different projects can be viewed and the interactive stations can be tested. Galerie SULUV in Novi Sad.

A project in cooperation with the Angewandte Innovation Lab with works by Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner and Andrea Palašti.

With the kind support of: AIL, Galerie SULUV, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Land Steiermark, BMKOES, Bildrecht

foto: andrea palašti
October 2021

The TV channel RTV reported about our exhibition “May I introduce: Alien” in the gallery SULUV in Novi Sad.  

Here you can see the contribution from 27.10. – from min.07:28, an interview with Andrea Palašti.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-03 um 12.02.43
September 2021

The work “words & weeds” is based on the intervention created during the residency at Reflektor Gallery, Uzice (RS) in summer.
Chat: Lindsey Nicholson, Milica Dukić, Lena Violetta Leitner

Exhibition in the gallery Improper Walls08.09.-24.09.


…dies ist nicht die dokumentation einer performance, die in serbien entstand. dies ist ein gespräch, das wie unkraut wuchert, zwischen österreich und serbien.
what does it mean to be a ‘weed’?
vielleicht sind unsere gesprächsfäden unkräuter, lacht milica.
does it mean unwanted, taking resources from the wanted? or does it mean being resilient, a pioneer, a survivor?
ovo je razgovor koji ne vodi nikuda i ne mora biti od koristi.
weeds do work as well.
ko odlučuje da li sam korov ili ne?


September 2021

Welcome to our Alienexpress Pop-Up Store! Here you will find blue dodo eggs, alien plant streaming subscriptions and generally – Karpfe Diem!

A project in cooperation with Angewandte Innovation Lab and contributions by Solmaz FarhangAlexandra FruhstorferEge Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner and Andrea Palašti.  

September 2021

Our speculative webpoprtal Woodiana.today is represented at Garden Belgrade as part of Ars Electronica – on 12.09. DTAFA will give a workshop.

11.09.: Panel Follow the Current (Ars Electronica) 

23.09. – 23.10. art+science 2021, Museum for Science & Technology Belgrade 

Organization, production: Center for Promotion of Science, Belgrad. Collbaroration with Stefana JanićijevićSanja AndjelkovićJovana PesićLuka LopičićVanja Novaković and Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA): Andrea PalaštiAlexandra FruhstorferEge KökelSolmaz Farhang and me.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-09 um 15.38.42
July 2021

YAY! The Language Lab of Integrationszentrum für Migrierte Pflanzen is moving into Museum Ulm!

24.07. – 17.10. 

INTRA  Project

DTAFA opens their doors in Vienna and Novi Sad!

Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA) is a socio-artistic organization that provides services for all kinds of Danube residents! 

DTAFA are: Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Lena Violetta Leitner, Ege Kökel, Solmaz Farhang and Andrea Palašti. Advisor: Bernd Kräftner

Part of Angewandte Programm für inter- und transdisziplinäre Projekte in Kunst und Forschung (INTRA).

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-06 um 18.15.17