

Work by DTAFA – Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner in cooperation with Andrea Palašti)

participatory installation
video, soundsystem, microphone, songs in Care~aoke versions, curtains, LED sign

installation view, "How to Become an Island? THE BOOTCAMP", solo show, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT), 2024, curated by Markus Waitschacher photo: Silvia Hödl

installation view, “EX-SITU”, Nationalmuseum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (BiH), 2024
curated by Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer 
photo: Solmaz Farhang

Have you ever sung a love song for a tiny Danubian bird?
What if we would perform in favour of another species?
A tiny bird needs our support!

The Little Ringed Plover’s natural breeding grounds, the Danubian shores, have been eroded by decades of river regulations and touristic exploitation. To make up for the birds’ disappearing habitats, the Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA) developed a training program that helps you to transform yourself into an island.

But how can you even connect with a species you don’t know and maybe haven’t ever even encountered in person? How can you empathise with the needs of a distant bird?

Care~aoke brings us all together to open our hearts to another species, in radically different, yet approachable and caring ways. Grab the mic and groove your body and mind into becoming an island for the tiny bird by singing along to some special Care~aoke songs!


was first developed as part of HOW TO BECOME AN ISLAND? for the European Capital of Culture Novi Sad in 2022.

In 2024 DTAFA transformed Care~aoke into an installation for the exhibition EX-SITU
Artistic Positions on Endangered Biodiversity and the Coexistence of Species, curated by Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer, < rotor >/ Cultural Department of the State of Styria / Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

Care~aoke was also part of DTAFA’s solo show at MQ showroom in Vienna (AT) in 2023 and the solo show “How to Become an Island? THE BOOTCAMP” at Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT) in 2024.

How to Become an Island? THE BOOTCAMP, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT), 2024
(c) Sebastian Reiser
(c) Sebastian Reiser
(c) Reza Kellner
"EX-SITU", 2024