Work by DTAFA – Danube Transformation Agency for Agency
(Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner)

Solo show at Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT)
curated by Markus Waitschacher

interactive installations

installation view, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT), 2024
Riverbank Simulator: Station ADAPT! to the riverbank

photo: Silvia Hödl

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installation view, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT), 2024
photo: Silvia Hödl


Like many other bodies of water, the River Mur has been shaped by conflicting interests of humans and other species. Yet the co-existence of all its inhabitants is woven together by their common fates. “We become with each other or not at all” says Donna Haraway, acknowledging the interconnectedness of our shared ecosystems. Thus, in order to survive and thrive together new relationships with other entities are to be imagined. What would it take to make your body available for the survival and needs of another species?

Decades of river regulations by and for humans resulted in a decline of natural habitats for birds like the Little Ringed Plover. In THE BOOTCAMP edition of How to become an Island, visitors are invited to transform their bodies and minds, while working through a series of physical and mental training units in order to become a suitable breeding ground for a tiny bird species.

“As heavy as my wristwatch, my glasses, my toothbrush.
Four times lighter than my phone, my notebook, or my teacup.
Thousand times lighter than me – Charadrius dubius, Little Ringed Plover, Flussregenpfeifer!

Let’s face the facts – there are many of us, not enough of you. What if we became a breeding ground for a bird threatened by extinction?

Let’s work this out. Welcome to the Bootcamp!

to the riverbank

interactive installation 
tables, electronic devices, switch, gravel, ventilators, infrared lamps, leaves, branches, sounddevice

(c) Silvia Hödl

Hot and itchy, rough and sticky … Becoming a breeding ground for the bird requires long periods of remaining next to the river in stillness. However, the conditions on the gravel bank might not be ideal for a human body. The heat puts pressure on our metabolism, insects tickle our skin and a gust of wind might deliver a dose of sand right into our eyes.

Using the Riverbank Simulator for 30 minutes a day will help you to slowly adapt to the harsh environment in the wild.

Prepare and Provide!
your body and mind

interactive installation
table, chairs, water dispenser, lemons, mint, coasters

(c) Silvia Hödl


Becoming an island requires staying calm and alert at the same time. Take a sip of Bird Island Ice Tea to prepare your body and mind for the shift at the riverbank. The ingredients will help you sustain the long periods in the wild in full concentration. After a long day of surviving the harsh environment, enjoy a glass of the Riverbank Recovery Treat to get your strength back. The minerals will restore the electrolytes you lost while sweating.

Don’t hesitate to try it out! Mix yourself a Bird Island Ice Tea and feel the effect.

Watch Out! Egg Recognition Training
(c) Sebastian Reiser
Become attractive!
for the bird

interactive installation
make up table, make up ingredientsm tabelt with a video and headphones, polaroidphotographs

during the exhibition with MU Artist Lena Weikhard

(c) Silvia Hödl


How beautiful! Humans are used to observing and enjoying nature. The practice of birdwatching is becoming increasingly popular, although humans usually scare the shy animals away. However, in order to become a breeding ground WE have to become attractive for the bird’s gaze! Otherwise no avian companion would choose our body as a nesting space.

Sit down and put on some bird attracting make-up! They love gravel and sand and some plant based accessories.

(c) Silvia Hödl
(c) Sebastian Reiser
(c) Sebastian Reiser
(c) Reza Kellner
Sing Along!
to some Care~aoke Songs

interactive installation
screen, Care~aoke playlist of popular lovesongs (with Care~aoke lyrics), curtains, LED sign, discoball, microphone, soundsystem

(c) Sebastian Reiser

“You know that I could use some body …”

Have you ever sung a song for a bird? Care~aoke brings us all together to open our hearts for another species, in radically different, yet approachable and caring ways. A musical experience might help to connect with a species you don’t know and maybe haven’t ever even encountered in person.

“… someone like youuuuu!”

Grab the mic and groove your body and mind into becoming an island for the tiny bird by singing along to some special Care~aoke songs!

into an island

interactive installation
pedestals, mats, ball, plants, pillows, video

(c) Sebastian Reiser
(c) Sebastian Reiser


Becoming an adequate nesting space for the bird requires our body to blend into the environment. The eggs of the birds are exposed to the environment and various dangers. They need a safe and supportive surface to not roll away and a bit of shadow to survive the hot hours of the day. A wet surface also helps to cool down the nest. Our body is full of humps and bumps that need to be transformed to enable the bird to access our surface easily.

Grab some accessories, turn the hourglass over and train your body for holding a position for the bird.

(c) Silvia Hödl